Kisame Hoshigaki known as the (monster of the hidden mist) S-rank missing-nin from Kirigakure and member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and partnered with Itachi within the Akatsuki.

Kisame was very loyal to his village this loyalty was proved when he killed all his team-mates in order to prevent the important information from being leaked out when the are cornered by Ibiki Morino's platoon while they are resting for their mission. He also killed his master when he found out that his master was selling important information and take control of Samehada for himself.

Kisame when he killed his team-mates 

Kisame when he killed his master and take samehada. . .

Kisame was the one who captured the four tails (Roshi) by himself. He also acknowledge himself as one of the best member who captured their target alive. As a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, Kisame was one of the most powerful shinobi ever produced within KIrigakure, in fact he was managed to kill his master that said one of the member of the seven ninja swordsmen of the generation and have samehada on him at that time. Even Nagato noted that he has a unusually large amount of chakra. His ultimate weapon is Samehada (a scale covered sword) when they fused, instantly Kisame will healed himself and make him more powerful not also that he can also breath under the water by using his gills.

One of his technique is Water Prison Shark Dance Technique, in this state he can take advantage by drowning his opponent under water, this technique has been used when he fought with Killer B.

water prison shark dance technique

Kisame was died by his own shark during his fight with Mighty Guy and during his last moment he still remembered what Itachi told to him "those who killed their comrades will die painfully" and he proved that it was true.


Itachimark said...

kisame was one of the great member of akatsuki!!!

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