
Izanagi was a type of genjutsu where the effect was on the user and not on his opponent. Here the caster removed the boundaries between the illusion and reality to the point where the caster can change its destiny or rather control their state of existence.

During the battle the user are fighting with his real body in case the caster received fatal injured or even death their body will simply fades away and return back to reality. But this is only happen in very short period of time.

During the battle of Danzo and Sasuke in order to perform the Izanagi it required a lot of sharingan since Danzo was not an uchiha.

Kabuto vs Itachi and Sasuke

Finally the two brothers Sasuke and Itachi teamed up to defeat Kabuto. Before that Itachi instructed his brother Sasuke to defeat Kabuto without killing him or else the Edo tensi cannot be stop forever.

As Kabuto hid himself he was trying to explain to the two brothers where he trained and how he gained such abilities and his new techniques. He also said that he already surpassed his former master Orochimaru.

Kabuto attacked Sasuke and Itachi.

They countered attacked by using their own susanoo.

Kabuto revealed that he did a lot of research especially from Houzuki clan where he can use his body fluid to transform himself again just like Suigetsu one of the former comrade of Sasuke.

Suigetsu Houzuki

Kabuto trained in the Ryuchidou (a legendary place the same as Mt. Myouboku and Shikkotsurin)under the guidance of sage of white snake to gain that ability. As he mastered the sennin mode in this mode the nature was on his side all the time to help him in his battle. That was the reason why he dodged the arrow of susanoo of Sasuke.

Kabuto used (sage jutsu Hakugeki) to paralyzed the body of two brothers and to take advantage of the situation. Since Itachi knew exactly how he moved, Kabuto thought that Itachi can sense his chakra because Itachi protect his brother from the attacked of Kabuto.

Itachi protecting his little brother form the attacked of Kabuto.

After that Kabuto was trying to convinced Sasuke to joined with him because his brother Itachi was totally a liar. He also compared himself to Sasuke, he once adopted by a leaf shinobi and took the role of being spy in different country for the leaf, but at the end the village of the leaf stop sending him to a missions and don't trust him anymore, all he got shame and dishonor.

But Itachi told Sasuke that Kabuto can lie better than him. Itachi also revealed that the Leaf has its dark side and inconsistencies.

Itachi was about to perform a kinjutsu called "Izanami" a kind of jutsu that can decide its destiny.

Itachi and Sasuke meet each other

In the middle of the Fourth shinobi world war and after the death of Uchiha Itachi finally the two brothers faced each other.Itachi were searching for Kabuto to stop the "edo tensei" when Sasuke noticed him. Sasuke trying to confirm at first if that was his brother. Sasuke used his susanoo but Itachi countered it by his susanoo too at that point Sasuke confirmed that was his brother. Itachi was amazed because Sasuke can used susanoo also. Itachi ignored all the questions of his brother and try to escaped but Sasuke tried to follow him until Itachi found the hide out of Kabuto. Itachi said that things would be hard from now because Sasuke has also there.

tsunade vs uchiha madara


Madara noted that Tsunade is slower than the raikage but she is stronger than the raikage. Madara admitted that Hashirama senju was more stronger than him and compared Hashirama from his grand daughter Tsunade that Hashirama can heal his wound without forming a hand seal. But Tsunade told Madara that the "will of fire" made Tsunade more stronger.

Tsunade set four  rules for all medical ninja such as;

1. Medical ninja shall never give up on treating their team mates as long as they can still breath.

2. Medical ninjas are not allowed to engage in battles.

3. Medical ninja shall be the last one to die in the team.

4. Only those who have mastered the "Byakugou" the (mitotic regeneration jutsu) are only allowed to break those above rules.

Full Yin Seal Release.png
Tsunade performing his Byakugou.

With the help of other kages Madara was sealed by Gaara by his "Ultimate sand storm funeral". But  it was only the mokuton clone jutsu by Hashirama and at the end Tsunade was piercedby Madara.

Tsunade was pierced.

to show her medical ninjutsu Tsunade purposely open her guard to show to
Madara Uchiha that she can heal her self without performing any seals.

Madara used (Tajuu Mokuton Bunshin No Jutsu) known as multiple shadow clones to surely defeat the five kages.

Uchiha Madara vs five Kage's

As the battle of the five kage's against uchiha Madara was still on going. The five Kages has a difficulty to defeat uchiha Madara since he gained some DNA of the first hokage because of that he could be able to use wood release perfectly.

Madara used his "Mokuton" and created a forest  (tree world) in an instant and Mei Terumi warned the four kages not inhale the pollen of the flower (flower tree world) created by Madara because it is a kind of poison. By the technique of Gaara (desert suspension) all five kages float in the air but Madara used Susanoo to hit all of them and fell into his forest.

After they fell into the tree world Madara used his (Kouka Messhitsu) or magnificent fire destruction to create a large fire enough to kill all the five kages. Mei Terumi tried to counter attack but she have no enough chakra and fell into the ground.

Onoiki was thinking if that would be his final moment in the hands of Madara. Onoiki began to recall his youth day and rememred what his master told him about the will of  their village and because of that Onoiki created a crazy jutsu.

The face of the first hokage appeared in Madara's chest and Tsunade was shocked after seeing the face of his grandfather.

finally the two brothers meet each other!

sasuke killed the original white Zetsu

After Sasuke recovered from his eye transplant operation done by Tobi. Sasuke removed the bandage of his eyes to test his new eyes. Without any hesitation he cast the amaterasu to white Zetsu who act as his guard while the war outside was ongoing.  Sasuke was so amazed with his new eyes it was called "eternal mangekyo sharingan" and can see clearly even in dark.

while sasuke was on his way to the battle field he was blocked by the white zetsus and ask why he was outside but he didn't answer the question of white zetsus so he was attacked by the white zetsu but sasuke activate his eternal mangekyo sharingan and used susano to cast amaterasu to white zetsus.

in an instant all white zetsu was killed by uchiha sasuke.


main protagonist in the series and he claimed to be madara uchiha that on the latter part everyone was shocked when the real Madara was revived by kabuto.

naruto released Kurama

Naruto released Kurama

Because naruto show to Kurama how he deeply want to help the other tailed beast not only by words but also through actions. Kurama said to naruto that he rather want to be with naruto than end up in the hands of Madara. So finally Kurama decided to give his full power to naruto to defeat Madara.

Kurama deciding to be with naruto than madara

kurama ask naruto to meld his chakra

after they meld their chakra with each other the seal of the cage was undo.

kurama was about to release.

naruto first Biju transformation


Finally Naruto first biju transformation was performed by the help of Kurama. But kurama said to naruto that his first biju transformation was far away from perfect and it would only last for five minutes. But according to naruto five minutes was enough to do something to help the tailed beast under Tobi's hand.

Kurama also show how strong he was. Eventhough they are facing against five tailed beast but he managed to show his superiority as a nine tails.

Kurama vs five tailed beasts

Kurama was extremely strong because he was able to perform tailed beast bomb as equal as the five tailed beasts bomb and after the big explosion Kurama managed to hold all the five tailed beasts with his chakra and then naruto used his shadow clone in sage mode and pull out all the rods which attached to five tailed beasts.

after that naruto returned to his human mode and very exhausted he almost hold his ground. For that situation the headquarters contact all the shinobi forces to immediately help naruto.


Of all the tailed beast Kurama was the most powerful among them. Kurama was the one who nearly look alike of the ten tails.

Before the sage of six path died he split up his chakra and used his "creation of all things" to create a nine seperate construct of living chakra and everyone of them has its name and the sage told them that they would be always together even they are seperated and someday they will become one again and find what the true power is.

Tailed beasts and the sage of six path

Kurama crying in front of the sage

At first Kurama used to hate and do not trust people because he believed  that his power will be used for their own will and purpose. The very first person he used to hate so much was Uchiha Madara because he was used for his own purpose. Madara also told him that the only reason why they are created was to serve the uchiha.

Kurama attacked Konoha under the genjutsu of Uchiha Madara

In order to preserve his life Kurama need to give some of his chakra to Naruto in times of danger situations.

Many times Kurama tempted Naruto to release the seal but Naruto managed to fight his temptation. But during his battle with pain when Naruto about to release the seal of the nine tails demon fox inside of him his father Minato "fourth Hokage" stopped him.

Kurama tempting naruto

Kurama first appearance in naruto

For a long period of time they are together Kurama used to watch the growth of naruto and he knew who naruto was. Naruto said to him that someday he will do something about his hatred.

During his battle with Tobi,  Naruto proved to Kurama through his action that he will help not only him but also the other tailed beast. In that way Kurama begin to like naruto and he let naruto used his power not as a weapon but as a partner and then Naruto open the seal of the nine tails and with their combination for the very first time naruto performed his biju mode and help the remaining beast under the control of Tobi. But since that was the first transformation of naruto it is far away from perfect and could only last for five minutes Naruto said that five minutes was enough to do something for the tailed beast particularly in pulling out the the rod which connect the beast from the control of Tobi and Naruto managed to pull it out.

naruto meld his chakra to Kurama before he released Kurama

Naruto released Kurama

Naruto in biju transformation


 A kind of flame that said to be the most powerful ninjutsu in existence. This is the highest level of the fire release technique. This technique was original ninjutsu of uchiha Itachi by the use of his mangekyo sharingan.

amaterasu came out from the right eye of Itachi and everytime he use this technique a tears of blood came out from his right eye as a sign of risk to the user. This is one of the most dangerous and hard to dodge but this can be dodge if you are skilled enough.

Amaterasu can burn anything in their path and whoever caught by amaterasu will completely turn int ash and detroyed. This flame cannot be extinguish by water but this can undo by the user this was shown when Karin was get contact from amaterasu during their battle with killer B in the land of lightning.

The only things that the amaterasu failed to burn was the chakra infused sand of Gaara

Itachi implanted amaterasu in Sasuke's left eye to activate whenever Sasuke see the sharingan of Tobi for his own protection. But on the latter part Sasuke managed to control amaterasu on his own.


Sasuke Uchiha little brother of Itachi Uchiha. At the begining of the series sasuke introduced as protagonist. Former member of team 7. And lately sasuke was declared as an international criminal and an S-rank missing nin. Sasuke was the last uchiha member.

During his younger age sasuke always admired his older brother Itachi for being skilled and genius and he keep saying to Itachi that he want to be like his brother. Sasuke at first didn't get any acknowledgement from his father no matter what he do. The only person who deeply care for him was his older brother. Sasuke got enrolled at the ninja academy and always on top of the class yet his father ignore that. The day has come that the clan noticing about the movement of Itachi became suspicious and became cold to their clan affairs. That time his father warned sasuke not to follow the footsteps of his older brother but sasuke always wanted to be like his older brother. Sasuke was taught by his father a ninjutsu "great ball of fire" a common family technique seen as a sign for coming in an age of being an uchiha member. At first sasuke failed to performed it only a small fire and a smoke and he began to compare sasuke to itachi that itachi was able to do it even at the first time and because of that sasuke began to train his self and after a week of training he show to his father the fruit of his training and his father began to acknowledge him.

sasuke admired his brother.

great ball of fire

Sasuke was the only uchiha survivor after his older brother Itachi slaughtered all members of their clan in one night only by the help of Uchiha Madara. Itachi spare his brother hoping that one day sasuke will going to kill him. At first sasuke won't believe that his older brother can do it. But when Itachi told him that he killed their parents and the entire clan just to test his ability sasuke began to scream and alost lost his mind and Itachi took advantage of the situation and told sasuke that "if you want to kill me then you have to hate me! and possessed the same eye as mine" the (mangekyo sharingan). Itachi told him that all the good things happened to them is just a lie, Itachi also said that he don't really care to sasuke. Sasuke always want to play with his older brother but Itachi told him "maybe next time because I have important things to do" and after that he poke sasuke in the forehead.

Itachi often do to sasuke

Sasuke somehow forgot about his revenge and angry to his older brother when he was joined in the team 7. Instead he focus his mind and effort for his team mate and at that moment he felt the love of friend and as a family. But most of the time he don't like to cooperate with naruto or sakura and always feel like he was above and superior above all his generation. But his revenge and angry drove again by Orochimaru. During the chunin exam Orochimaru give him a "cursed seal" to let sasuke taste the true meaning of power. Although Kakashi tried to sealed the seal but ended up to failure because the seal will only activate if sasuke want to.

sasuke first level cursed seal

second level cursed seal

When it comes to battle sasuke was one of the powerful shinobi. Powerful enough to killed one of the skilled and powerful memeber of the akatsuki (deidara) and Orochimaru. Even his older brother Itachi he managed to defeat with only his sharingan and cursed seal. Also killer B from the land of iron the eight tails jinchuriki he managed to abduct and noted by "B" that he was skilled in battle but it was showed that killer used his clone to retreat for awhile.

Sasuke awakened his mangekyo sharingan after the death of his older brother. Itachi told everything about the secret of their clan and about the history of their eyes, in order to awaken your mangekyo sharingan you have to kill your closest friend the same as what he did to his bestfriend "uchiha shisui" but over used of the mangekyo has a risk. A total of blindness awaits to those who over used it. The final and last poked of itachi was done and by that he transferred all of his eye techniques to his  little brother to protect itself from Madara. But Madara managed to fool sasuke and used the hatred of sasuke to fulfill his plan the "moon eye plan". During his entire battle sasuke was reached the limit of using his eye and he almost lost his sight and he told tobi that he want Itachi's eye to activate his eternal mangekyo sharingan. Tobi did the transplant and let sasuke rest until it heal but he can't wait and he test his new eye to white zetsu by using his "amaterasu" and he said that he can see clearly even in the dark and he can feel that he gotten stronger. He said he can feel the power of itachi flowing into his body.

sharingan of sasuke

mangekyo sharingan of sasuke

eternal mangekyo sharingan of sasuke

Sasuke's taijutsu was very excellent as what showed during his battle to Itachi. He is also good in using sword of kusanagi and he used to combined his chidori to his sword.

kusanagi sword

If Gaara has sand of shield and armor of sand as an ultimate defense. Sasuke have "Susanoo"sasuke noted that this is much stronger than the ultimate defense of gaara. Even A noted also that susanoo was very good defense. This technique was transferred by his Older brother before its death. Sasuke manage to level up susanoo from using sword to being archer type during his battle with Danzo it was noted by Danzo that the arrow of susanoo was hard to dudge. In order to activate the level of susanoo sasuke need to maintain the level of his chakra in order to use susanoo.

sasuke ultimate defense "susanoo"

susanoo was upgarded by sasuke during his fight against danzo (can throw arrows)