naruto first Biju transformation


Finally Naruto first biju transformation was performed by the help of Kurama. But kurama said to naruto that his first biju transformation was far away from perfect and it would only last for five minutes. But according to naruto five minutes was enough to do something to help the tailed beast under Tobi's hand.

Kurama also show how strong he was. Eventhough they are facing against five tailed beast but he managed to show his superiority as a nine tails.

Kurama vs five tailed beasts

Kurama was extremely strong because he was able to perform tailed beast bomb as equal as the five tailed beasts bomb and after the big explosion Kurama managed to hold all the five tailed beasts with his chakra and then naruto used his shadow clone in sage mode and pull out all the rods which attached to five tailed beasts.

after that naruto returned to his human mode and very exhausted he almost hold his ground. For that situation the headquarters contact all the shinobi forces to immediately help naruto.


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