
The main protagonist of the series naruto. Shinobi from konohagakure and the current jinchuriki of the nine-tails demon fox.

On the day of his birth, his both mother (Kushina) and father (fourth hokage) died in protecting him from the attack of the nine-tails demon fox. His name was taken from  the first book of Jaraiya and that became his grandfather.

Kushina and naruto after birth

Like Gaara, Naruto also suffered his life being the jinchuriki of the nine-tails demon fox. Nobody want to make friends with him and all the blame was on him because of what happened to their village. Iruka  and the owner of Ramen Ichikaru act as his family. Naruto live his life in despair and hatred. He always act as stupid and unethical because he has no relatives or parents that teach him good manners.
Before his father died, Minato want the village to acknowledge naruto as a hero of their village but only few do. Naruto has no idea about his father and the only thing that left to him was his mother's name. The third hokage chose not to tell to all shinobi about his relationship to the fourth hokage and some of the shinobi hide that secret to naruto just like Kakashi, the elders, Tsunade, Jaraiya and many more.

Iruka and kakashi as guardian of naruto

naruto dream to be a Hokage

despite of everything yet naruto has the "will of fire" inside of his heart just like Senju Hashirama, Tobi noted that when they talk at the Land of Lightning during their search for Sasuke. Naruto always keep saying to all shinobi and also to his team that he will going to be a hokage someday and make all the people acknowledge his power. After he won his battle with pain he was considered as a "HERO" of his village.

One of the reason why naruto want to be strong and very dedicated in his training was because he made a promise to his team mate Sakura to bring Sasuke back to their village after Sasuke chose to be with Orochimaru to become much more stronger, for the reason that Sakura loves Sasuke so much but on the latter part Sakura lied to naruto that he don't love Sasuke anymore and he want to stop the quest of naruto for bringing Sasuke back. But the truth was since Sasuke abducted Killer bee, the hidden Cloud village assassinate Sasuke by the approval of Danzo as the Hokage on that time due to Tsunade still in coma after her battle with Pain. Sakura want to take the responsibility for Sasuke, in short she want to kill sasuke personally without any of his friends getting involve. But Sai told naruto the truth. Before Sakura nearly killed by sasuke they save sakura and that time Naruto and sasuke face again and declared war to each other.

team 7 under the Kakashi's leadership

Sai replace Sasuke in team 7

Controlling the kyubi was one of the hardest part of his training but thanks to his parents he was able to control the chakra of the kyubi. His first attempt to tear off the seal of kyubi inside of his body during his battle with Pain was opposed by his father and that was the very first time he met his father and knew that his father was the fourth hokage. Minato told everything what happened ten years ago when the kyubi attack their village and the kyubi was manipulated by the "mask man" and saving the village caused the life of his parents. The reason why his father sealed the kyubi inside naruto was that Minato believed that he need that power of kyubi to defeat the "mask man" and to stop the cycle of hatred but Minato don't know how to stop that cycle of hatred only naruto can answer that. And after that Minato fades away and say goodbye to his son but before that he resealed the kyubi and said that "this is the last time I will do this".

naruto give a punch his father.

minato during the attack of kyubi

During his training with killer B when he attempted to take control the kyubi's chakra unexpectedly her mother appear and he was so happy at that moment. Her mother tell her how did she meet Minato and she also told naruto that he was the former host of the kyubi. She told the whole story ten years ago since Minato sealed a lot of chakra of Kushina. She was the first successful experiment as the host of Kyubi in their clan. But before her the former host was Mito "first hokage's wife" but due to old age of Mito he passed down the kyubi to Kushina and luckily it was successful and she told that Tobi assassinate all of her clan and the only one left was her. They were both killed in protecting naruto because kyubi don't want to be sealed in naruto. Minato performed his "dead demon seal" to seal the kyubi inside naruto but in the cost of his life. This is one of the forbidden technique in order to perform this you need to offer your own soul.

Minato performing dead demon seal.

After that conversation of Kushina and Naruto and before kushina run out of chakra they start to take over the chakra of kyubi and with all the effort of his mother and also with the help of Killer B they successfully seperated the chackra and resealed the kyubi to a new kind of seal and naruto did the seal. taking over chakra of the kyubi was like playing a "tag of war". Finally kushina farewell to naruto and she said "finally I can be with your father".

Before the death of Jaraiya he instructed his toad to take care of naruto and keep the key of the kyubi's sealed safe. When Jaraiya died Naruto take a training in the place of toads and only few are being chosen to have that kind of training and only naruto mastered the "SAGE MODE" unlike his mentor Jaraiya. He had his revenge when he defeated the sage of six path. Naruto has a determination and his action can influence others just like Nagato, he believed that Naruto can be the chosen child to stop the cycle of hatred and give the true meaning of peace in the ninja world.

Pain vs Naruto on sage mode

The ability of Naruto during his battle was increasing. During his younger age the only technique he can performed completely was his "sexy Technique" useless in battle but he often use this to shock his enemy and Jaraiya always wanted naruto to perform this.

sexy technique of naruto

His shadow clone at first was incomplete lot of his classmate at the ninja academy laugh at him but on the latter part his shadow clone was completed and help him to win his every battle. His mentor Jaraiya taught naruto first a short range attack like "Rasengan" and as he go along with his training he mastered some long-range attack.

naruto's long range attack "rasenshuriken"

naruto performing"resengan" in one tail form.

After defeating pain zetsu noted that Naruto is much stronger than sasuke and naruto can fight in a kage level. But not only that when naruto took over the chakra of kyubi  he even got stronger enough to have a shadow clone that in kage level and in the latest naruto's shadow clone was able to blocked Uchiha Madara attack. The demon fox began to gave all of his chakra to naruto rather than ending in the hand of Madara. Naruto gain a lot of new techniques like (mini-rasenshuriken, tailed-beast chakra arms, planetary rasengan and many more)

As a jinchuriki naruto has a lot of reserves chakra from its tailed-beast. Kakashi also noted that naruto has a lot of stamina when it comes to battle a hundred times than Kakashi do. He can recover in a second from its minor injuries and a day from major injuries depending on the chakra of nine-tails gave to him. Nine tails have no choice but to give some of its chakra to naruto in every battle in order to keep him alive because if naruto die the fox will also die. Minato let some of the chakra of fox overflow so that naruto can access anytime of its chakra. If the fox give some of its chakra to naruto then naruto will have a fox-shroud shape and transformed from one tail up to his limit. Naruto has a jinchuriki transformation whenever fox gave him chakra.

naruto one tail transformation

naruto two tails transformation

naruto three tails transformation

naruto on its four tails transformation

naruto on six tails transformation

naruto on eight tails transformation

But after his training with Jaraiya he was able to make contact with the fox and demand for chakra. But on the latter part after naruto separated the sealed of fox from its chakra naruto can access anytime without interacting the fox. When he was at nine tails chakra mode he resemble the sage of six path silhouette. With this state the speed of naruto was increased to the point that he surpassed the maximum speed of "A" and even killer B and Tsunade was amazed that they compared naruto to his father "yellow flash".

naruto on its nine tails chakra mode


Unknown said...

I don't think that Naruto's tailed mode has anything to do with how he gained and or uses his sage mode o_o. your naruto logic sucks, bro.

Unknown said...

And Naruto also gain's his other tails by his anger, not by some "fox-shroud" skill. that skill doesn't even exist in naruto lmao.

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