Techniques of Gaara

Gaara one of the powerful shinobi in their generation

Gourd Containing Sand:

This is the source of his power here is where he place his sand that infused from his chakra. The gourd and cork are also made from sand that can be broken to use his techniques.

Sand Binding Coffin:

In this technique Gaara can wrapped his opponent a sand infused chakra and can hold his opponent for a specific time for preparation of his deadlier attack. It can also suffocate his opponent.

Gaara using his sand binding coffin.

Sand Waterfall Funeral:

After wrapping its opponent the sand will implode and crush his opponent inside. Gaara can choose whether to break the bone or liquify his opponent. In this technique his opponent can't feel any pain this is one of the technique he often used when he kill a person before and this is became his signature attack.

sand waterfall funeral implodes

Shield of Sand:

This shield is automatically performed whenever Gaara is about to be harmed. It will cover Gaara to protect from a certain attack that can cause harm to him. This sand will react regardless of Gaara's will. This shield was fast enoughto protect Gaara but it can destroyed in extreme force and brute attack just like Rock lee's "reverse lotus" but on the later part his shield became more fast and strong enough to protect him from the attack of Sasuke's "amaterasu" and A's "guillotine drop"

Gaara's shield before

newest shield of Gaara in the formed of his mother

Shield of sand:

In this technique Gaara will cover his entire body a compacted layer of sand. This requires a large amount of chakra and stamina but this has its disadvantages will be easily broken and will reduce his speed during the battle. This is usually combined in his shield. These two is the ultimate shield of Gaara.

Gaara's armour of sand

Ultimately Hard Absolute Attack: Spear of Shukaku:

This spear has a Form of shukaku's hand and it has the abillity to break even the Hardest defense of its opponent. But after shukaku was taken away Gaara can no longer perform this technique.

Ultimate Absolute Attack Shukaku's Halberd.JPG
Gaara using shukaku's spear.

Sand Clone:

This technique used as a decoy or a trapped to his opponent. This clone uses sand as a medium. The clone will change its form whenever it caught the opponent.

Gaara and his sand clone.

Desert suspension:

One of the offensive technique of Gaara during his battle in this technique he is using his sand infused with chakra to support his own weight and float in the air. And sometimes he use this for some purpose (to lift something or to travel whenever he has an injury and unable to walk).

Gaara using his desert suspension

Third Eye:

Gaara use this technique to spy enemy from the distance and sometimes he use this while he was completely wrapped by his shield of sand so he can see what is happening outside of his shield. This third eye was made of sand and connected to the optic nerve of the user. The size of the eye can control depending on its purpose. With this eye he can prepare for himself as shown during the fourth shinobi world war.

Gaara's third eye

Ultimately Hard Absolute Defense: Shield of Shukaku:

The strongest defense of Gaara since it was made from strongest mineral and under extreme pressure Gaara could derive from the earth.

Shield of Shukaku


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